Thursday, May 31, 2012

Nothing to See Here

Deadspin - A reader, whom we'll call Rob, emailed us Monday night with the photo you see above. The photo came with this message:

Looks like Terry francona is not too smart. Sending this picture to my 27 year old girlfriend isn't a smart move. Big job like his, he seems to trust a lot of people. Not sure how this picture would turn any girl on but good luck to him and his 53 year body.

Rob knew that his girlfriend, who lives in Tuscon, Ariz., had recently met Francona, a former University of Arizona ballplayer. After he sent us the towel photo, Rob wrote back to say he discovered that she had also exchanged a number of text messages with Francona: "I just saw phone records of them going back and forth. No content."

Rob wrote that he had "no idea" what this was adding up to. "Lots of texts and that pic. Can only mean he's trying to get with her."

He sent us an open letter to Terry Francona, which read as follows:

Hey Terry,

I was wondering why you would be flirting with my girlfriend, who is over 20 years younger than you, by sending pictures of yourself half-naked in a towel? Isn't one of your own children the same age as my girlfriend?

Next time you decide to do this, make sure the girl doesnt have a boyfriend. You would think that you would be more careful since you work for ESPN. I hope more girls come out saying you sent them the same stuff. You could be the next Tiger Woods. Scumbag.

As of Tuesday evening, we were all set to publish a post this morning about Francona emailing photos of himself half-naked in a towel to somebody's girlfriend. But then Rob sent us another email, and our heart ached for him a little.

So it looks like i found a picture she sent him first at 607pm on the 25th which is why he sent her a pic.

After reading all that I guess my first question is, "How does a 13 year old kid get a girl with tits like that?" Because there's just no other way to explain being as stupid and naive as "Rob" here unless you're 13. Does he think he's getting the best of Tito by sending this stuff to Deadspin? Does he know that the joke couldn't be more on him? Tito did absolutely nothing wrong. A 27 year old girl (which Francona probably considers old) sends him a shitty cropped cleavage pic and he shoots her back a "look at me living it up in Miami" or wherever the hell he is pic. Half-naked? I guess technically he is, but what's your point, Rob? He'd be showing more skin if he was just in his bathing suit. 

I was wondering why you would be flirting with my girlfriend, who is over 20 years younger than you, by sending pictures of yourself half-naked in a towel?

Is that a rhetorical question? Rob, you're such a whiny shithead. Your gf fucked Tito Francona and judging by your personality she's fucked some regular guys too. Either you guys have been together since High School and she doesn't have the balls to dump you or you've been dating for like a month and she doesn't know why you're calling her your girlfriend. Either way, you lose.

Tiger Woods? You dickhead. The ESPN guys were probably laughing when they read this story. It's a far cry from the Steve Phillips and Harold Reynolds stuff. Some delusional crybaby leaking a story about his girlfriend fucking a successful older guy who's estranged from his wife. On a scale of 1 to 10 the creepiness/inappropriateness factor is a zero. Seriously, Rob. Grow up.

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