Monday, April 7, 2014

Is This The Stupidest Actor in the History of Television? Apparently, Skrein left Game of Thrones to star in a Transporter movie as a younger Jason Statham, which quite frankly, doesn’t have the critical adulation that Thrones does, but hey — action movies are action movies, and we aren’t privy to any information about contractual obligations he might have had prior to embarking on his brief journey in Westeros.

So the guy who played Daario Naharis in season 3 of Game of Thrones decided not to come back in season 4 so he could play young Jason Statham in what? A prequel to The Transporter?? Gods! I can only assume there's more to this story because what fucking nutcake gives up the opportunity to be a prominently featured character in what might go down as the most popular cable TV series of all time?? Not only that, but even though he's a relatively new character...this dude had buzz. As much as I wanted to hate him and resent the very existence of this kind of guy, I couldn't. His character was ladies' man incarnate. Girls were creaming themselves over this guy. I've never seen more sexual tension between two characters as there was with him and Khaleesi last year. I haven't read the books but I can only assume that these two fuck at some point. And if they don't it HBO still has to make it happen. Because Khaleesi wants it. Daario wants it. And goddamn it, the public wants it. The only person that doesn't want it is poor Ser Jorah. Well at least that was the case when this guy was playing Daario. The new guy they cast is such a departure from from the cocky, smoldering, chop-two-guys-heads-off-because-you're-pretty Daario that I don't even think Khaleesi likes him anymore. It's that tangible. I mean, shit, in her first scene she scolds Daario and Grey Worm for sitting there like goofy 10 year olds playing some feats of strength game. That's not the Daario I know. Not at all. I just can't fathom why someone would walk away from one of the most watched and talked about shows on TV, especially when he was probably only a few scenes away from having Emilia Clarke rub her adorable boobs all over him. Crazy stuff.

Dude, get out of my favorite show. Who do you possibly think you are? Yuck.